Melissa Baughman

A bit about me:
Melissa Baughman is Assistant Professor of Choral/Vocal Music Education at the University of Oklahoma where she supervises preservice teachers and instructs courses in choral methods, choral conducting, voice pedagogy. She enjoys serving as a choral clinician, adjudicating solo and ensemble events, and coordinating music education outreach events.
Prior to joining the faculty at OU, Dr. Baughman instructed music courses at Middle Tennessee State University, served as an adjunct voice instructor at Central Methodist University (MO), was the director of vocal music at Montpelier Schools (Ohio), and maintained a thriving voice studio for over a decade.
As a researcher in music education, Melissa has presented at state, national, and international conferences sponsored by professional organizations including the International Society for Music Education (ISME), European Association for Music in Schools (EAS), National Association for Music Education (NAfME), the Society for Music Teacher Education (SMTE), American Choral Director’s Association (ACDA), Southwest American Choral Director’s Association (SWACDA), and Missouri Music Educator’s Association (MMEA).
Her research has been published in the Journal of Music Teacher Education, International Journal of Music Education, Update: Applications of Research in Music Education, Journal of Singing, Missouri Journal of Research in Music Education, and Missouri School Music magazine. Her main research interest is the examination of authentic context learning experiences of preservice music educators and social justice in music education.
Melissa has extensive solo, choral, musical theater, and opera experience. Performance highlights include singing the soprano solos for Haydn’s Kleine Orgelmesse, Vivaldi’s Gloria, Orff’s Carmina Burana, and Mozart’s Vesperae solennes de confessore, and singing at the White House in Washington DC. An award-winning vocalist, Melissa received first place in the graduate divisions of the National Association of Teachers of Singing (NATS) and Missouri Music Teachers Association (MMTA) voice competitions, and was honored as an Emerging Artist at MU.
Dr. Baughman earned her PhD in music education with an emphasis in vocal pedagogy and choral conducting and a Master of Music in vocal performance from the University of Missouri. At MU, she served as a graduate assistant in choral and vocal music, and was the first coordinator of the Higday Mozart Outreach concert series. Dr. Baughman also holds undergraduate and graduate degrees in music and education (magna cum laude) from Bowling Green State University in Ohio.